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Mr. Swapnil Ughade - Go Digital Training

Mr. Swapnil Ughade

Meet The Mentor

Swapnil do have 12+ years of experience in young Digital Marketing Industry. Swapnil is Founder Director of Magicworks IT Solutions Private Limited, a Digital Marketing and web services company that helps clients in positioning, branding and lead generation by means of various digital marketing activities. It also resulted into entire transformation of marketing from traditional ways to digital where company leaders got remarkable increment in their brand reach and leads.
Worked on precious project as Consultant to Hong Kong University of Science & Technology for “Research of the DiGital marketing and sustainable leaving” for Hong Kong University.

Being a first-generation entrepreneur, he does understand challenges faced by startups. Even after Knowing every single plus and minuses of being associated with them at the initial phase, he is always ready to support startups. As a proactive help to industry, he does also write series of blogs with the name “Stay Tuned, Be hungry, Digest More!” This series provides knowledge and awareness about upcoming changes in digital industry which has impact on the industry.

Awards & Achievement

Magicworks has been awarded with Google Partner award in Q 3 2016 for Google AdWords Game on Race.
Recently Swapnil has been Awarded with Cyber Security Surksha 2017 Awards for his contribution towards e commerce industry and corporate web security domain.

To Connect With Swapnil